Leader Formation Track

The JoyCorps Leader Formation Track (LFT) is an online, workshop-based program to help leaders working in the Indian entrepreneurship ecosystem be formed in the love of God and their neighbor. JoyCorps is offering this program in partnership with Praxis Labs and Development Associates International (DAI), two respected names in the areas of Christian values for leaders and entrepreneurs.


Keep reading! You can learn more and fill out an application form at the bottom of the page.

Applications close September 01, 2023.
The course begins September 05, 2023.

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How the Program Works

The Leader Formation Track is developed as online weekly workshops, requiring a low commitment of time from the course cohort. It takes place over 19 weeks with four learning modules:


The Praxis Course:

The Praxis Course is a video and discussion series on the mindset of a redemptive entrepreneur. It enables participants to explore how faith calls us to take redemptive action in the world through entrepreneurship, creativity, and sacrifice. 


A Rule of Life:

A Rule of Life is a set of practices in important areas of life meant for Labs for entrepreneurs and others called to enterprising leadership, to guard our habits and guide our lives.


Servant Leadership by DAI:

Worldly leadership styles tend to be top-down. In this module of six workshops, DAI walks participants through making the two great commandments (loving God and loving neighbour) a reality in leadership. This involves caring for the people whom one is leading while also focussing on the vision of what God wants one to accomplish.


Coaching Skills for Leaders by DAI:

Coaching is an ongoing intentional conversation that enables a person to grow through a process of empowering questions and enquiry. In this module of six workshops, DAI helps participants understand the coaching approach to leadership development, so that participants can be equipped to use coaching skills in leadership and life.

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Applications close September 01, 2023.
The course begins September 05, 2023.